Standard Form Calculator

You can calculate the real number, scientific notation, E-notation, and engineering notation through this calculator. To convert a number, follow the below steps.

  1. Enter the number in the input box.
  2. Click calculate
  3. The result will be shown in four different forms
Real Number:
Scientific Notation:
Engineering Notation:

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Standard Form Calculator

This standard form calculator is a tool that helps to express numbers in scientific notation.

This calculator also provides other types of notations for numbers i.e

This standard form converter would provide you with the correct results. It is an option that does not involve the hassle of writing down the solution steps and then getting to the answer.

What is the standard form?

A Simple definition of standard form is:

"It is a method of expressing numbers as a power of ten".

This method of writing numbers was devised by scientists for convenience in reading and calculations. Scientific notation is another term for standard form.

Standard form format:

The general format in which we write numbers to represent them in standard form is:

Here, “a” is some number that is greater than or equal to 1 and is smaller than 10. While “b” is the number that is the power of 10. we will get the original number if we multiply a with the solved value of \( b^ \)

How to write in standard form?

To convert a number to the standard form, it is important to understand the process properly in a stepwise manner. Below, the steps are explained through an example.


Convert 678120009 into standard form.


  1. Place the decimal point
  2. Count the digits after the decimal place.
    There are 8 digits after the decimal.
  3. Raise this number to the power of 10 and multiply it to the original value.
    \(6.78120009\: \times 10^8\)
  4. Round up to the third-place value.
    \(6.78\: \times 10^8\)

Negative exponents:

Decimal numbers have small values. Hence, when you are converting them to standard form, the power of ten is negative. Similarly, when you are converting a large number to a standard form (scientific notation), the power of ten would be positive.

An example of a standard form with a negative exponent is: