Borrowing from the Bank of Mum & Dad; what happens if we separate?

Borrowing from the Bank of Mum & Dad; what happens if we separate?

The Australian Financial Review, in its article “Bank of Mum and Dad becomes top 10 mortgage lender” (published 19 March 2021), confirmed the Bank of Mum and Dad was the 9th largest lender (in terms of the value of loans) in Australia. The “Bank of Mum & Dad” is the colloquial term used to refer to parents financially helping out their children.

This Bank of Mum and Dad is larger than some of the most established and well-known banks, including AMP and HSBC.

The rise in the popularity of the Bank of Mum & Dad is a result of a number of factors, including:

The combined effect of the above has resulted in many millennials turning to their parents, the Bank of Mum & Dad, for financial assistance to purchase property.

Protecting investment by the Bank of Mum & Dad

The Family Court has extensive and wide-ranging powers when determining financial matters between married spouses and de facto partners.

In our blog, “Is it a gift or a loan”, the crucial distinction between monies loaned or monies gifted was explored. The answer to this question may have far-ranging impacts and consequences as to how such monies will be treated in a financial settlement between separated parties.

Due to the rise in demand of the Bank of Mum & Dad, there has also been an increase in demand from parents wanting to safeguard and protect monies provided to children in the event of a relationship breakdown.

One of the safest ways to protect monies provided between family members is via a written agreement.

Options for Written Agreements

There are two primary options for parents to provide some protection in relation to the financial assistance they provide to their children.

1. Loan Agreement

One option is to document the provision of monies from parents to children in a written loan agreement, preferably drafted by a solicitor.

The loan agreement should, amongst other terms, contain the following terms and conditions: