Keeping track of receipts can be quite difficult, especially if you go grocery shopping quite frequently. With so many to keep track of, chances are, you may have lost a receipt or needed a reprint more than once. If you have found yourself in need of a reprinted receipt from Walmart, you may have wondered if they even allow reprints, or how to go about getting one.
We got into contact with customer service to answer all of your questions around receipt reprints.
Can Walmart reprint a receipt? According to a Walmart customer service representative, Walmart can reprint a receipt at the register for a few days after the transaction is made. Once a few days pass, the customer must contact customer service directly to get a copy of their receipt.
Yes, Walmart is able to look up receipts in store if you are in need of a digital or re-printed copy.
While you are in a Walmart store location, you can make your way to their customer service section and ask for them to look up a past receipt. They will ask you to provide certain information, such as:
Once they have this information, they will be able to show you a copy of your receipt and reprint a paper copy if you would like.
You can get a copy of a lost Walmart receipt. In fact, there are a couple ways that you can recover a lost Walmart receipt:
If you find yourself in the situation where you need to look up an older Walmart receipt, you can look up any receipt through their receipt look up tool .
Once you complete these steps you should be able to access your old receipt with the purchases made.
Walmart can look up a receipt by the serial number of the product(s) purchased.
If you provide customer service with the serial number of the product you purchased, you will be able to view the corresponding receipt. When you need to provide the serial number, you can look towards the bottom of the receipt for an 18-digit code.
According to a Walmart customer service representative, the in store representatives can only look up a receipt for a few days after the receipt was printed . If the receipt is more than a few days old, then the customer must contact a customer service representative at 1-800-925-6278.
In addition to this option, customers can also look up older receipts (if you paid with a credit or debit card) by using Walmart’s receipt look up tool.
The best way to locate a lost or old Walmart receipt is by providing the TC number at the bottom of the receipt (right above the bar code). This code corresponds directly to the transaction, which includes all of the items purchased.
By providing customer service or the cashier with this number, you will quickly be able to find and reprint a copy of the desired receipt.
Chances are though, you don’t keep track of the TC number for your receipts, but because it is so useful, this could be a helpful tip to make sure you never lose a receipt in the future.